Programs each man and woman that thou meetest, were it but to dine or to drink at them, it is the Law to give. Then they shall chance to abide in this bliss or no; it is no odds. Do this quickly!
-Liber AL vel Legis:

Talk Thelema

Every Month on the Second Saturday

Talk Thelema is a 2 hour online discussion group hosted by members of Bubastis Oasis O.T.O. that occurs every second Saturday of the month starting at noon.

This group is meant to create the opportunity for visitors and non-initiates to meet people in our local O.T.O. community and to discuss how Thelema can be incorporated into our personal lives. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend!

Each month we discuss Thelema in light of a new specific topic from various different perspectives, including how the topic is spoken of within the various Holy Books of Thelema, how society at large views the topic, how the topic is seen within the broader context of Thelema, and how the topic functions specifically in our personal lives. At the end of every session we vote on a new topic for the next month's session.


Favorite Programs from Pre-pandemic Times Hopefully to be Renewed in the Coming Year

Thelemic Social Night

In person events for the express purpose of enjoying the company of others socially.

We have gone to movies or bowling, on day hikes or camping trips in regional state parks, to museums to see lectures or exhibits of special interest to our group, try out a new restaurant, sing karaoke, go shooting, or make art together.

Storming Heaven: Exploring the Vision and the Voice

Each class we would skry an Enochian Aethyr and held a discussion and review of Aleister Crowley's journey through the same as recorded in The Vision and the Voice.

Holy Books of Thelema Study

The Holy Books of Thelema (Class A works) are the backbone of the spiritual life of any Thelemite and an inspiration to any seeker.

Each session contains a reading of the holy text, followed by discussion of the symbolism, the context of its reception, how that text resonates with us, how we implement that in our lives, and the interconnectedness of the Holy Books of Thelema.